- A. Nazarov; J.-P. Colinge, F. Balestra, J.-P. Raskin, F. Gamiz, V.S. Lysenko Semiconductor-On-Insulator Materials for Nanoelectronics Applications Heindelberg, Dorbrecht, London, New-York: Springer, 2011. - 456 p.
- A.V. Vasin, Sh. Muto, Yu. Ishikawa, A.V. Rusavsky, T. Kimura, V.S. Lysenko, A.N. Nazarov Comparative study of annealing and oxidation effects in SiC:H and a-SiC thin films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering techniques Thin Solid Films. – 2011. –vol.519. -No.7. –pp.2218–222
- A.V. Vasin, Sh. Muto, Yu. Ishikawa, J. Salonen, A.N. Nazarov, V.S. Lysenko, P. Okholin Attribution of white-light emitting centers with carbonized surfacecarbon in nano-structured SiO2:C layers Thin Solid Films. – 2011. –vol.519. -No.12. –pp.4008–4011
- S.O. Gordienko, A.N. Nazarov, A.V. Rusavsky, A.V. Vasin, Yu.V. Gomeniuk, V.S. Lysenko, V.V. Strelchuk, A.S. Nikolaenko, S. Ashok Influence of oxidation temperature on photoluminescence and electrical properties of amorphous thin film SiC:H:O+Tb Physica Status Solidi C. – 2011. –vol.8. -No.9. –pp.2749–2751
- A.N. Nazarov, I. Ferain, N. Dehdashti Akhavan, P. Razavi, R. Yu, J.-P. Colinge Random telegraph-signal noise in junctionless transistors Applied Physics Letters – 2011. –vol.98. –pp.092111-1-3
- A.N. Nazarov, I. Ferain, N. Dehdashti Akhavan, P. Razavi, R. Yu, J.-P. Colinge Field-effect mobility extraction in nanowire field-effect transistors by combination of transfer characteristics and random telegraph noise measurements Applied Physics Letters. – 2011. –vol.99. –pp.073502
- V.S. Lysenko, Y.V. Gomeniuk, V.V. Strelchuk, A.S. Nikolenko, S.V. Kondratenko, Yu.N. Kozyrev, M.Yu. Rubezhanska, C. Teichert Carrier transfer effect on transport in p-i-n structures with Ge quantum dots Phys. Rev. B. – 2011. -vol.84. -No.11. -pp.115425
- V.S. Lysenko, Yu.V. Gomeniuk, Yu.N. Kozyrev, M.Yu. Rubezhanska, V.K. Skylar, S.V. Kondratenko, Ye.Ye. Melnichuk, C. Teichert Effect of Ge nanoislands on lateral photoconductivity of Ge-SiOx-Si structures Advanced Materials Research. - 2011. –vol.276. -pp.179-186
- S.O. Gordienko, A.N. Nazarov, A.V. Rusavsky, A.V. Vasin, N. Rymarenko, V.G. Stepanov, T.M. Nazarova, V.S. Lysenko Influence of Hydrogen Plasma Treatment on a-SiC Resistivity of the SiC/SiO2/Si Structures Advanced Materials Research. - 2011. –vol.276. -pp.21-27
- Y.Y. Gomeniuk, Y.V. Gomeniuk, A.N. Nazarov, P.K. Hurley, K. Cherkaoui, S. Monaghan, P.E. Hellstrom, H.D.B. Gottlob, J. Schubert, J.M.J. Lopes Electrical Properties of High-K LaLuO3 Gate Oxide for SOI MOSFETs Advanced Materials Research. - 2011. –vol.276. -pp.87-96
- S.O. Gordienko, A.N. Nazarov, A.V. Rusavsky, A.V. Vasin, N. Rymarenko, V.G. Stepanov, T.M. Nazarova, V.S. Lysenko Influence of Hydrogen Plasma Treatment on a-SiC Resistivity of the SiC/SiO2/Si Structures Advanced Materials Research. – 2011. –vol.276. –pp.20-24
- Y.Y. Gomeniuk, Y.V. Gomeniuk, A.N. Nazarov, V.S. Lysenko, H.J. Osten, A. Laha Interface and Bulk Properties of High-K Gadolinium and Neodymium Oxides on Silicon Advanced Materials Research. - 2011. –vol.276. -pp.167-178
- Y.Y. Gomeniuk, Y.V. Gomeniuk, I.P. Tyagulskii, S.I. Tyagulskii, A.N. Nazarov, V.S. Lysenko, K. Cherkaoui, S. Monaghan, P.K. Hurley Transport and interface states in high-k LaSiOx dielectric Microelectronic Engineering. – 2011. –vol.88. –pp.1342–1345
- P.F. Zhang, R.E. Nagle, N. Deepak, I.M. Povey, Y.Y. Gomeniuk, E. O’Connor, N. Petkov, M. Schmidt, T.P. O’Regan, K. Cherkaoui, M.E. Pemble, P.K. Hurley, R.W. Whatmore The structural and electrical properties of the SrTa2O6/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP system Microelectronic Engineering. – 2011. –vol.88. –pp.1054-1057
- T. Rudenko, V. Kilchytska, M.K. Arshad, J.–P. Raskin, A. Nazarov, D. Flandre On the MOSFET threshold voltage extraction by transconductance and transconductance-to-current ratio change methods: Part I - Effect of gate-voltage-dependent mobility IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. – 2011. –vol.58. –No.12. –pp.4172-4179
- T. Rudenko, V. Kilchytska, M.K. Arshad, J.–P. Raskin, A. Nazarov, D. Flandre On the MOSFET threshold voltage extraction by transconductance and transconductance-to-current ratio change methods: Part II - Effect of drain voltage IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. – 2011. –vol.58. – No.12. –pp.4180-4188
- A.N. Nazarov, C.W. Lee, A. Kranti, I. Ferain, R. Yan, Akhavan N. Dehdashti, P. Razavi, R. Yu, J.-P. Colinge Comparative Study of Random Telegraph Noise in Junctionless and Inversion-Mode MuGFETs ECS Transactions. – 2011. –vol.35. –No.5. –pp.73-78