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  1. Y.V. Gomeniuk, R.N. Litovski, V.S. Lysenko, I.N. Osiyuk, I.P. Tyagulskii Current stochasticity of field emission of charge from traps in the transition layer of implanted MIS structures Applied Surface Science, vol.59, pp.91-94 (1992)

  2. Y.V. Gomeniuk, V.Z. Lozovski, V.S. Lysenko, I.P. Tyagulskii, V.N. Variukhin Effect of strong electrostatic field on the properties of YPrBaCuO ceramics Physica Stat. Solidi (a), vol.132, pp.155-161 (1992)

  3. Y.V. Gomeniuk, V.S. Lysenko, V.Z. Lozovski, I.P. Tyagulskii, V.N. Variukhin Superconductivity enhancement at the surface of YPrBaCuO ceramic in strong electric field Soviet Journ. Low Temp. Phys., vol.18, No.12, pp.913-916 (1992)

  4. Y.V. Gomeniuk, R.N. Litovski, V.S. Lysenko, I.N. Osiyuk, I.P. Tyagulskii Thermally stimulated field emission of charge from traps in the transition layer of Si-SiO2 structures Applied Surface Science, vol.55, pp.179-185 (1992)